
International Institute of Contemporary Art and Theory

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Founded 2013
Bucharest, Romania


The International Institute of Contemporary Art and Theory is a small arts organization founded on the belief that international representation is key to fostering a relevant and informed dialogue about art, design, and theory. To further this mission, IICAT supports an international artist-in-residency opportunity and curates exhibitions in partnership with the Archive Space Project. The Artist Residency program is currently in Bucharest, Romania. The residency hosts international scholars, professionals, and students who are interested in art theory, art history, and art making in order to foster critical dialogue, professional networking, and a focused studio practice for participants. IICAT exhibits in partnership with the Archive Space Project, a nomadic curatorial project that exhibited in the Crane Archive Space gallery in the Crane Arts building (Philadelphia, PA) between 2007 to 2016, and now exhibits worldwide.

Local Information

Bucharest, Romania

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