100 West Corsicana

100 West grants artists and writers residencies to create work in this historic building repurposed for studio space. Large scale, light flooded rooms are provided alongside complete living accommodations and wood shop access to produce work in two or three dimension, installation, or writing. This residency experience combines artist-made furniture with period pieces in a building virtually unaltered since the 1890s. Ongoing architectural preservation effectively backdrops contemporary studio practices. 100W maintains a close connection with Dallas culture less than an hour's drive from downtown Corsicana, where faded vestiges of the nineteenth century oil boom make it quintessentially Texas.
Local Information
100W is housed within a 3-story, decommissioned, 1890s Odd Fellows Lodge, in the historic downtown of Corsicana, Texas, fifty miles south of Dallas, on the highway to Houston. The downtown is walkable to most all daily needs, between markets, diners, coffee shops, hardware stores, and print shops. 100W has a collection of bicycles for residents who opt not to bring or rent a car.
Network Affiliations
- Res Artis