
Arte Útil

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Founded 2014


Arte Útil roughly translates into English as 'useful art' but it goes further suggesting art as a tool or device. Arte Útil draws on artistic thinking to imagine, create and implement tactics that change how we act in society. The notion of what constitutes Arte Útil has been arrived at via a set of criteria that was formulated by Tania Bruguera and curators at the Queens Museum, New York, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven and Grizedale Arts, Coniston. Arte Útil projects should: 1) Propose new uses for art within society
 2) Use artistic thinking to challenge the field within which it operates 
 3) Respond to current urgencies
 4) Operate on a 1:1 scale
 5) Replace authors with initiators and spectators with users
 6) Have practical, beneficial outcomes for its users
 7) Pursue sustainability 
 8) Re-establish aesthetics as a system of transformation

Local Information

The Asociación de Arte Útil was initiated by the artist Tania Bruguera and, in line with the Criteria of Arte Útil , it is now being evolved by a growing user group into an international body to promote ways for art to work effectively in ordinary life and to initiate and support new initiatives that fulfill the Criteria of Arte Útil. As the Asociación membership grows we will build a growing social, political and active network of members, a communication forum for Arte Útil activity, regular updates, newsletters on activities of the Asociación Members of the Asociación are invited to contribute to the evolution of Arte Útil practically and theoretically, as part of an initiative to reinstate art as a process that is fully integrated into society.

Network Affiliations

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