
DRAWinternational set out some years ago to celebrate drawing ‘for itself’ and ‘for others’ i.e. as it relates to other representational media. Our artists-in-residence programme attracts artists who wish to extend their professional practice and theoretical understanding, with the very issues reflected in contemporary society. That is, through human endeavour, reflection, discourse and action. These artists come from many different countries and bring with them many diverse experiences, but all have something in common, a humanity and a passion for drawing. We work with architects, designers, writers and professionals in the applied and fine arts. Our provision is both theoretical and practice based, working with artists when required, assisting them to be more objective, thus distancing themselves somewhat from the aesthetic object. (The Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience, 1973, Mikel Dufrenne).
Local Information
The centre for drawing research is situated in the heart of Caylus, a small medieval village in SW France, a rural community with a growing number of artists and craftspeople. Rolling hills, and limestone buildings create a picturesque architectural and natural landscape dating back to the 12th century. There are many hiking paths that enable artists to discover architecture, faune and flora specific to this region. Caylus though small has all the facilities necessary for day to day living, as well as a twice weekly open air market where local produce is abundant. The village is fortunate also to have a makers space "Fablab" for digital fabrication and an environmental research centre, both organisations have worked with our artists in residence in relation to particular projects. The centre is within an hour and a half of many cultural sites for research and contextual studies that could compliment the residency programme.
Network Affiliations
- Alliance of Artist Communities
- Res Artis