Ecopoetry Workshop

Ecopoetry Workshop provides live-in workshop experiences principally dealing with themes of ecopoetics. It is mobile, and focussed on the triad of a creative, critical, and collaborative approach to ecological issues. In being mobile, the geographical location of each workshop becomes an important component of each experience. We think that specificity, particularity, and locatedness are important aspects of creative practice, and aim to guide workshop contributors through a process of textual and embodied research, drafting, editing, and publishing material. We also welcome those working adjacent to poetics, in fields like creative anthropology, film, experimental music, architecture, design, and visual art.
Local Information
Ecopoetry Workshop is initiated by Simon Eales and Brent Cox, who work in the Poetics Program at the University at Buffalo, and Courtlin Byrd, Buffalo-based independent filmmaker and artist. Our 2019 workshop will take place in the town of Sottochiesa, Italy.
Network Affiliations
No network affiliations