farm studio

Farm Studio International Artist Residency is located in a rural community. Residents stay and create in a quiet, beautiful environment where they can develop their artwork free from accustomed distractions. Farm Studio residency provides three types of working spaces where artists can explore their art and ideas in the rural Rajasthani environment; at the Farm Studio indoor studios, the outdoor and farm environments, and in Andore Village. Relationships form between the artists coming from different countries and varied social and cultural backgrounds. Here, collaboration and experimentation is encouraged. Many exciting exchanges and dialogues among artists take place, including scheduled artist talks, presentations, works in progress showings, etc. Farm Studio also promotes and celebrates the local community’s artistic and cultural identity while also introducing art and culture of others (Indian and International guests) back to the community.
Local Information
ANDORE is 25 km from Sirohi, (185 km from Jodhpur)Rajasthan(INDIA). It is famous for Kumhar (Potter community). It is small village. There is 200 -250 houses. Villager’s major occupation is agriculture. Fellow villagers typically include representatives of various service and artisan castes to supply the needs of the villagers— potters, farmers, carpenters, goldsmiths, barbers, sweepers, priests, so on. Villager expression has different faces here, religion, spirituality; social believes all make a while picture of genre called life.
Network Affiliations
- Res Artis
- Asialink
- On the Move