Festival Opera Prima

Born in Rovigo in 1994 under the artistic direction of Teatro del Lemming, Festival Opera Prima became immediately an event able to lead to critical attention a new theatrical generation that, in the 90s, was completely excluded from the Italian theatre scene. OPERA PRIMA became an "home" and a reference point for this generation, that soon proclaimed itself “Generation of the Invisible Theatres”. The Festival was really important to support those artists stand out. In recognition of this activity, in 1996 the Festival was the winner of the UBU "Giuseppe Bartolucci" prize, awarded by a jury led by the critic Franco Quadri. Coherently with its history, this new edition of Opera Prima wants to host and enhance the multiplicity of trends and researches in the contemporary theatre scene.
Local Information
The Festival is located in Rovigo, Italy. The nearest airports are Venice and Bologna.
Network Affiliations
No network affiliations