
GRRL HAUS CINEMA is an ongoing program of short films and video art made by women. A mix of local, national, and international artists present work from a variety of disciplines: narrative, documentary, experimental, and conceptual. With an emphasis on low budget and DIY, GRRL HAUS is a space for underrepresented voices in the arts today.
Local Information
GRRL HAUS is a traveling event. Past locations for screenings include : The Institute of Contemporary Art Boston - Boston, MA, USA IL KINO - Berlin, Germany Brattle Theatre - Cambridge, MA, USA Alamo Drafthouse Yonkers - Yonkers, NY, USA WORM Rotterdam - Rotterdam, Netherlands Loophole Berlin - Berlin, Germany Dorchester Art Project - Dorchester, MA, USA Oblomov - Berlin Germany The main location of GRRL HAUS is Berlin, where we have bi-monthly screenings .This is also the location for our "Screen Your Film Seminar"
Network Affiliations
No network affiliations