
LABEA - laboratory of art, science and nature

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Founded 2018
Pamplona, Spain


LABEA is a laboratory of art, science and nature; in Basque it means "oven”. It generates and gives support to cultural projects, including their creation, distribution, training and awareness initiatives. It “heats up” with Art as a generator of subjectivity, cultivating with it effective tools for eco-social activation and transformation. Arbola, the festival that celebrates the culture of trees, opens an OPEN CALL FOR ARTISTS AND CULTURE PROFESSIONALS residents in European countries to participate in its International Residency Program. Arbola works on the subject of contemporary tree culture in a transectoral way and from different perspectives. It, therefore, welcomes all types of contemporary culture professionals (artists, curators, communicators, academic researchers, producers, etc.), of all types of artistic disciplines (live arts, visual arts, literature, music, audiovisual, etc.).

Local Information

The residencies will take place from 19 March to 30 May 2024 at Antartika Kultur Container, a space for culture and social activism located in the centre of Pamplona (Navarra),

Network Affiliations

  • On the Move

Current Open Calls

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