laboratorio ARRE

ARRE is formed by Paula Estevan, graduated in Superior Architecture from the UPV, and by Jacobo Jörgensen, graduated in BBAA by the UMH and doctor in BBAA by the department of art history and audiovisual communication of the UPV. From ARRE, we intend to launch new critical art forms, involved with the reinterpretation of territory and space, through the activation of collaborative processes. Promovemos la creación de espacios de aprendizaje y experiencias compartidas que incidan en la vida de los ciudadanos y les hagan reflexionar sobre el espacio que habitan.
Local Information
We are a multidisciplinary workshop studio born in the city of Valencia in 2011 that acts as a laboratory of ideas promoting participatory processes whose main objective is reuse in its broadest meaning. The spaces in disuse of architecture and the need to be observed and reused become our main generator of activity.
Network Affiliations
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