
PACTO is an international alliance of artists, artistic researchers and writers, gathered to discuss and explore collectivity, and to support one another's individual endeavours. Rather than being led by form or structure, PACTO seeks to inquire how to work together and what that means through practice-led processes. We investigate the possibilities of collective work as an alternative to individualized practice. We understand the art world to be one in which collectivity, communality and sharing are vital, and as such, we seek to facilitate collaborations with other artists, researchers, writers and collectives. We value supportive, self-organizing, alternative and para-institutional models and we aim to reflect on these practices throughout our work together.
Local Information
PACTO is an actively growing intersectional, anti-hierarchical and decentralized group. PACTO came together through a MilesKm research project initiated in August 2017, and founded itself – themselves – as a collective in July 2018. Currently, PACTO members live and work in Athens, Amsterdam, Leiden, London, Milan and Porto. Our projects and working practice include workshops, publications, residencies and participatory discussions in organisations such as This Will Take Time (Point Arena), A-Dash (Athens), Raven Row (London), CAS (Croydon) and Macao (Milan).
Network Affiliations
No network affiliations