
PATAPiAN inspired by craft practices and contemporary aesthetics, which founded by Mr.Varongkorn Tienparmpool and Ms. Supattra Kreaksakul. PATAPiAN is dedicated to weaving, art, object, and craftsm-nship. We specialise in woven decorative items, including collection of home decoration, lighting, accessories, and artwork collection, which introduced the unique combination of fine weaving and contemporary design to create new elegance of the elements between art and design. The definition of PATAPiAN comes from the symbol that represents childhood memory of us. Thai people are familiar with PATAPiAN and recognize it as a Thai local weaving. It is a local toy that used traditional weaving techniques. When we were children, we used to learn this traditional weaving techniques from school. Nowadays, we live in the digital age and traditional craft is going to extinction. We aim to re-interpret traditional techniques in modern ways.
Local Information
Reflecting on our previous work, based on craft practices and contemporary aesthetics. Our project dedicated to weaving, art, object, and craftsmanship. We focus in the unique combination of weaving and contemporary design to create new elegance of the elements between art and design. We interested in woven techniques and we found that the principle of traditional weaving techniques are similar either in Thailand or aboard. The differences of weaving depend on form and decorating details, which affected by geography, people, culture and history. However, The imagination of people be boundless and unique. We believe in spirit and power of creativity. We were never scared to think outside the box. On the other hand, we explore and play with several materials and find out the new perspective of weaving. We interpret weaving techniques in our language and tell our story through art pieces, which depend on our context, imagination and experience.
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