Pilecki-Institut Berlin

Exercising Modernity is a project initiated by the Pilecki Institute Berlin with the aim of describing the Polish share in modern heritage in a new, interdisciplinary way. The international format of the project allows for a systematic interpretation of the Polish dream of modernity in a European and global context. Exercising Modernity aims at reflecting modern ideas in a broader sense. Visions of freedom that shaped the establishment of modern society affected several different social areas. Stemming from ideas of the European enlightenment and materially manifesting itself in technological progress, modernity radically changed traditional ways of life. The upheavals in economics (the rise of capitalism), religion (secularization) and politics (development of nation-states) have all been the basis of a rapid transformation process. Different ideologies arose that left a lasting mark on the history of the 20th century. Exercising Modernity invites creators of culture, researchers, c
Local Information
The program of the Exercising Modernity Academy 2022 is going to be held in October in Berlin, Germany.
Network Affiliations
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