Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio

Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio is an artist in residence program and facility that opened as a project of Sapporo City in the context of the Sapporo International Art Festival in summer 2014. Surrounded by rich nature and a quiet environment, the building hosts 13 studio apartments, an exhibition space and common studios accessible to the community. It also functions as a resting place for all the visitors of the park. In addition, the atrium lounge on the ground floor is constructed as a communal area, where local people can drop in freely, to generate conversations between artists participating in the program on a daily basis as well as through various events, artist presentations and public projects.
Local Information
Sapporo is one of the world’s more unique cities of its size, as its 2 million residents live in cold, snowy conditions for a good portion of the year. In Sapporo City Hall one finds Snow Management Office, which symbolizes the central importance of snowy life in this urban city. Urbanization was driven by the Sapporo Winter Olympics in 1972. Over time, these winter features grew in importance. Experience generated diverse forms of knowledge and creative activity to energize the city, which appears to coexist with nature. When you look at Sapporo and Hokkaido within the context of Japan, this area deep in the north boasts a very special natural environment, lifestyle and history. At the same time, when you look at the place without emphasizing national borders, geographically this area belongs to the subarctic region of the globe. In this context, the life of people in Sapporo and Hokkaido are the southern reaches of a long line of subarctic culture.
Network Affiliations
- Res Artis