
Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden

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Founded 2020
Dresden, Germany


Facing the future with art and science With the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, TU Dresden and THE SCHAUFLER FOUNDATION have established a lively forum for a forward-looking dialogue between science, art and society. In this project, young researchers and artists come together across disciplinary boundaries to question current technologies, their origins, and their impacts on our modern world. The Lab consists of the Schaufler Kolleg@TU Dresden and the Schaufler Residency@TU Dresden. It brings together (early-career) researchers and international artists. Both the fellows and the artists are committed to an explicitly transdisciplinary research methodology at the interface between science and art. The first project phase explores the topic 'Artificial intelligence as factor and consequence of societal and cultural change'. In the Lab, researchers and scholarship holders from various disciplines in the humanities and social sciences cooperate with artists as well as with researchers from

Local Information

The programme is located in the city of Dresden, Germany. 50 museums, 60 galleries and 36 theatres and stages – a true pleasure for the emotions and intellect alike, and ideal day and evening programmes for every taste and mood. World-famous attractions are the Old Masters Picture Gallery with Raphael’s “Sistine Madonna”, the former royal treasure collection, the Green Vault and the Albertinum as a museum of contemporary art from the 19th to 21st centuries. The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is one of the largest “Technische Universitäten” in Germany and one of the leading and most dynamic universities in Germany. As a full-curriculum university with 18 faculties in five schools it offers a broad variety of 121 disciplines and covers a wide research spectrum. Since 2012, TUD has been one of the “Universities of Excellence”.

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