Verona Accademia per l'Opera italiana

Polo Nazionale Artistico of High Specialization on the Musical and Coreutic Theatre was born in Verona in 2008 on initiative of MIUR-AFAM (Ministry of Education, University and Research, High Artistic and Musical Education). It has the power to manage real postgraduate Masters with legal value in the disciplines of opera and dance (directing, set design, composition, choreography, conducting). Polo organizes and manages also specialization courses in the crafts of theater (costumist, wig maker, lighting and audio technician, make-up artist and hairdresser, machinist) which can also be accessed by non-graduate students. Polo also promotes an intense research and experimentation activity, organizes seminars and events to stimulate cultural debate, promotes opportunities for discussion and enhancement of artists and works. It is a partner and founding partner of ENOA (European Network Opera Academies), a an important European circuit of theatres and academies
Local Information
city center of Verona
Network Affiliations
No network affiliations