Open Call

Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art 2024 Paris: call for applications

Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art

No Funding
Paris, France


Applications for SFSIA 2024 Paris are open to students, practitioners and scholars from the fields of art (including video, photography, installation and multimedia), ecology, science and technology studies, philosophy, design, architecture, critical theory, cultural studies, film and media studies, and beyond. Please see our application for more information.

Number of Participants

The number of participants is dependent on the number of applications and varies with each iteration of SFSIA, though it is usually around 20 individuals.


Selection Results (Announcement Dates)


September 30, 2024 - October 05, 2024


  • €1,200.00 program fee (one-time)


No meals


No languages listed

Program Description

In cognitive capitalism, the brain and the mind are the new factories of the twentieth and twenty-first century. We are no longer proletariats using our muscular bodies to labor on assembly lines in industrial sheds to produce physical products, but cognitariats (or mental laborers) using our brains and minds in front of screens to produce data. This year’s Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art in Paris, organized in collaboration with Maison Suger and Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'homme, will convene to both understand these new forces of algorithmic tyranny as well as how we might participate in an ontological turn from Homo sapiens towards the production of Planetary Sapiens. We humans have coevolved with the biosphere and therefore must continue to embrace the deep ecological thinking that it requires. Instead of generating technologies that poison, destroy and ravage the environment, we must embrace technics (or anti-technics) that care for it.

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