
Al-Tiba9 focuses on light as a manifestation of energy, a principle that makes it possible to reach the phenomenological world, an element of knowledge by getting closer to the center to reach these levels of reality. This transgressive contemporary Arab show emerges between lights and shadows, from here and there, reaching for profound hope but staying rooted in reality.
Local Information
The Al-Tiba9 is a curated live exhibition project and participation is by invitation through the curators only. There is no open call nor a formal application process. Each artist is contacted by Al-Tiba9 curators about one or more artworks or a production of a new work related to the theme of the current edition. However, there is an open call for emergent artists that will be selected by the curator to be featured in Al-Tiba9 Art Magazine. Its aim is to promote and support emerging artists and their artistique production.
Network Affiliations
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