
COU COU IS an artist-led, non profit curatorial project space near to Oxford UK. COU COU CURATES performance and participatory art and works with artists and partner organizations to do so. COU COU shows visual arts in innovative ways in non art spaces to reach new audiences in pop up events COU COU FACILITATES residencies and collaborative projects with emerging and mid career artists in the UK and internationally. COU COU INVITES artists to make work and to exhibit, screen or perform new work in the COU COU project space and in the local community. COU COU ENCOURAGES experimentation and dialogue between artists, curators and other practitioners and offers the studio as a shared critical context. COU COU SUPPORTS artists by offering mentoring and opportunities for professional development as well as by promoting their work to new audiences through exhibition and publications. COU COU SHARES it’s activities with the wider community through talks, events & projects.
Local Information
COU COU is based at Overlay Studio, the studio and project space of UK artist and project curator Clare Carswell MA(RCA). It is an artist led and non-profit organisation.
Network Affiliations
No network affiliations