Hungarian Multicultural Center

The mission of the HMC is to support artists and strengthen the arts in their vital role in the lives of people and communities. The HMC set up shop in both the Texas and in Hungary, programming across borders, languages and cultures, as a sort of dual citizenship for artists’ communities. Managing a double identity in the US and abroad reflects the HMC commitment to celebrating and understanding both the intersections and divergences between cultures, through the art, artists, and local communities. Residencies are particularly fertile ground for exploring multinational exchange for a number of reasons.
Local Information
International artist in residencies-Budapest AIR/HMC, Budapest International Artists Residencies, HUNGARY 2022 HMC is now accepting submissions for the Artists-in-Residence Program and exhibition in 2022 at AIR-HMC, Budapest-Hungary. For applying, please write us for more info and application form to Application Deadline: November 25,2021 Application fee $25 We are looking forward to receiving applications of artists who have interest in our program. Beata Szechy, HungarianMulticulturalCenter
Network Affiliations
- Res Artis
- Alliance of Artist Communities
- Asialink