Open Call
MacDowell: Fall 2025 Winter 2026 - Application opens January 15, 2025

Artists interested in applying for a Fellowship will complete an online application found via MacDowell’s website. The application includes informational forms as well as a place to upload work samples. All details and requirements are found within the application. Applicants are selected based on demonstrated ability (work sample) and creative exploration (project proposal). MacDowell accepts applications from artists working in the following disciplines: architecture, film/video arts, interdisciplinary arts, literature, music composition, theatre, and visual arts. The sole criterion for acceptance is artistic excellence, which MacDowell defines in a pluralistic and inclusive way. MacDowell encourages applications from artists representing the widest possible range of perspectives and demographics, engaging in the broadest spectrum of artistic practice, and investigating an unlimited array of inquiries and concerns. MacDowell welcomes artists of all ages and stages of their career.
Number of Participants
MacDowell hosts 20-30 artists in residence. Artists arrive and depart throughout the week, so the community is ever changing. While MacDowell may be thought of as a place apart from the world, the resident population will always be comprised of individuals who are of the world. MacDowell strives to offer ideal working conditions for artists within a joyful and mutually supportive environment. Consistent with that mission, all Fellows are obliged to adopt the community agreement as a condition of accepting a Fellowship. Doing so will help ensure that all Fellows may participate in the enriching exchange that has given rise to countless friendships and collaborations.
Selection Results (Announcement Dates)
September 01, 2025 - February 28, 2026
- $1,500.00 stipend (one-time)
- $30.00 application fee
Darkroom, Desk Space, Individual Studio, Installation Space, Library, Piano, Print Shop, Sculpture Facility
Cabin, Live/Work, Private Bathroom, Private Housing, Private Room, Shared Bathroom
Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch
Public Programs
Community Engagement , Discussion, Group Dinners, Open Studios, Picnic Baskets, Readings, Self-Directed
Animation, Architecture, Augmented Reality, Book Arts, Cartoonist, Ceramics, Choreography, Cinematography, Composers, Dance, Digital Media, Documentary, Drawing, Fiber Arts, Fiction, Film, Illustration, Installation, Interdiscplinary Arts, Journalism, Land Art, Literature, Moving Image, Multimedia, Music Composition, Nonfiction, Opera, Painting, Performance Art, Photography, Playwriting, Poetry, Printmaking, Public Art, Puppeteers, Screenwriting, Sculpture, Social Practice, Sound Art, Textile, Theatre, Video Art, Virtual Reality, Visual Arts
Program Description
MacDowell provides time, space, and an inspiring residential environment to artists of exceptional talent. A MacDowell Fellowship, or residency, consists of exclusive use of a studio, accommodations, and three prepared meals a day for up to six weeks. There are no residency fees, and MacDowell offers need based financial assistance to cover the costs of traveling to and from the residency, as well as expenses that artists expect to incur while in residence, including rent, lost income, and childcare.
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