Open Call

Call for applications: 20th anniversary of UNIDEE

UNIDEE residency programs

No Funding
Biella, Italy


Open to artists and professionals from all over the world through residential dynamics, the programme intends to form “artivators”, i.e. people working at the boundaries between artistic practices, processes of social change and collaborations with communities outside the art world. Application procedure Applicants must submit their application by email to: stating “UNIDEE 2019 application (your name)” as a subject line. Applicants must attach the following documents (up to 8 MB in total): (1) the application form (download here) (2) a selected portfolio (max 3 projects, one single pdf, max 6 MB) Application deadline: Monday 29th April *Photo caption: 1. Still from video film 'The Excluded. At the moment of danger', Chto Delat / 2. 2014 Premio MAXXI, 'La Luna in Folle', Adelita Husni Bey, 2016 / 3. 'Come back to Spinaceto', Luigi Coppola, 2017

Number of Participants

Each modules is open to a maximum of 15 people + mentors and guests


Selection Results (Announcement Dates)


May 20, 2019 - July 12, 2019


  • €200.00 application fee


Computer Lab, Co-Working, Darkroom, Desk Space, Film Editing Suite, Installation Space, Library, Sculpture Facility, Shared Studio


Apartment, Guest House, Kitchen, Live/Work, Private Bathroom, Shared Bathroom


Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch

Public Programs

Community Engagement , Courses, Discussion, Mentors, Open Studios, Seminars, Visiting Professionals, Workshops


Activists, Architecture, Collective, Conceptual Art, Dreamers, Film, Immersive Experiences, Interdiscplinary Arts, Public Art, Research, Social Practice, Textile, Visual Arts


English, Italian

Program Description

2019 marks the 20th anniversary of UNIDEE and to celebrate Cittadellarte has organized a dedicated program with new activities and special themes. The modules program is organized around three key concepts: - COLLECTIVE AGENCY: a series of modules exploring the potential of collective action and its political implications mentored by Chto Delat and Adelita Husni Bey - CLIMATE ACTION: a summer camp to rediscuss the human impact on our planet and imagine a postpetrol society mentored by Brett Bloom, Luigi Coppola and Fernando Garcia Dory - MODES OF INSTITUTING: a series of meetings rethinking how we can establish ethical principles to build our institutions not only as centres of power, hierarchy, control and discipline. Furthermore, new exciting features have been added to the 2019 UNIDEE programme: underlying its interdisciplinary nature: conferences, a call for paper, a package of fee reductions and fee waiver. For further info please visit:

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