Open Call

3rd Open Call 2024: ´acePIRAR | Artist-in-Residence International Program—Buenos Aires, Argentina


No Funding
Buenos Aires, Argentina


Interested candidates can go through all necessary information about our programs on our website. Once they received the overview documents describing our programs and selected the one that best suits their needs and expectations, candidates have to start the online application process by filling out the respective online form according to the type of requested residency. This includes the description of a project or research subject for their stay, plus the submission of the accompanying materials: a full CV and images or video links documenting previous works. We do not accept applications via email or that did not go through our online application forms. The selection process considers the proposed project or research subject, its relevance to local and international art standards, its feasibility, the availability of the selected dates and how artists from different parts of the world, backgrounds and mediums may interact with each other enriching enriching each other’s processes.

Number of Participants

We host a maximum of 5 to 6 participants at the same time, depending on their specific needs and their proposed projects. Residents at ´ace are expected to work on a specific project and present results (Production Residency) or to do their own research without a specific outcome in mind (Exploration Residency). In both cases, presented projects for residency periods are plausible of evolving through experiences acquired within the residency periods, and residents are encouraged to embrace these experiences with an open heart and mind. Residency periods can end with an exhibition (though it is not mandatory), artist talks are encouraged if residents want to give them and we hold open studio instances in which our residents can receive the visit of curators, artists, colleagues and the local public in order to be able to share their work and process with members of the local artistic community.


Selection Results (Announcement Dates)


September 09, 2024 - December 20, 2024


  • $2,000.00 program fee (one-time)


Gallery, Individual Studio, Installation Space, Library, Print Shop, Shared Studio


Apartment, Private Housing, Private Room


Breakfast, Chef on Site, Coffee, Lunch, Snacks, Tea, Vegetarian

Public Programs

Community Engagement , Critique, Discussion, Exhibition, Group Dinners, Mentors, Mural Projects, Online Exhibition, Open Studios, Performances, Professional Development, Self-Directed, Visiting Professionals, Workshops


Activists, Animation, Arts Administrator, Book Arts, Cartoonist, Choreography, Cinematography, Collective, Composers, Conceptual Art, Curatorial, Dance, Design, Digital Media, Documentary, Drawing, Fiber Arts, Film, Illustration, Immersive Experiences, Installation, Interdiscplinary Arts, Intervention, Journalism, Literature, Makers, Mixed Reality, Moving Image, Multimedia, Music, Music Composition, Nonfiction, Painting, Pedagogy, Performance Art, Photography, Playwriting, Poetry, Printmaking, Screenwriting, Social Practice, Sound Art, Textile, Theatre, Video Art, Visual Arts


English, Portugese , Spanish

Program Description

PRODUCTION residents usually make use of The Workshop: a large space with lots of natural light and equipped for a variety of traditional and new printing processes, works on papers, monotypes and artists books. In addition, the Políglota Room is a perfect space for performance art, audio-visual installations, lectures, video projections, etc. EXPLORATION residents usually work in The Tower: a silent and luminous studio located on the second floor with an open view, accessible by a spiral staircase—it is ideal to do research, study, write and create in an independent atmosphere. Other studios can be set up according to the project proposal and each resident’s needs. There are also many tools available and a lab for photosensitive print media techniques, as well as video and sound gear already installed for video projections or audio-visual explorations. PALIMPSEST—Mural Painting residents work on The Terrace, where mural painting projects are permanently installed.

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