Open Call
Artist in Residence at The Factory
The Factory on Willow

If you currently are a U.S. Citizen or hold a Permanent Resident status, or any other work visa in place that is not expiring within 6 months, and 21 years of age, you may apply! For the safety and security of our artists, their families, and our community, we cannot accept children in the residences for artists at this time.
Number of Participants
Two Participants are selected per session. Session 1: March - May | Session 2: June - August | Session 3: September - November
No deadline
March 01, 2025 - November 30, 2025
- $350.00 travel budget
- $1,600.00 stipend (one-time)
Desk Space, Gallery, Individual Studio
Apartment, Live/Work, Private Bathroom
No meals
Public Programs
Community Engagement , Exhibition, Group Dinners, Professional Development, Schools, Workshops
Ceramics, Conceptual Art, Design, Digital Manufacturing, Digital Media, Drawing, Fiber Arts, Film, Glass, Illustration, Immersive Experiences, Installation, Interdiscplinary Arts, Land Art, Makers, Mixed Reality, Moving Image, Multimedia, Painting, Photography, Public Art, Puppeteers, Robotics, Sculpture, Textile, Video Art, Visual Arts
Program Description
A 12-week non profit program designed to bring new emerging and amateur artists from around the world to Manchester, NH. Our program fosters an environment that allows creative freedom to explore, define, and polish your working portfolio. Selected applicants are provided a studio apartment with basic household amenities, heat, hot water, electricity & internet provided. Each residency concludes with an artist opening celebration. The Opening acts as a solo or duo exhibition to feature each artist’s developing works. Our onsite event space is set up to feature your installations and presentations to the local community. AIR’s may also organize/host additional public events/programs (artist talks, community dinners, workshop, studio visits, etc.)
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