Open Call
Call for AIR in Bangkok2019

Artist, designer, researcher and creator of all disciplines are invited to apply for Tentacles AIR program. This program is for creator who aims to develop new body of works, conduct research or experiment and focus on their practices. Tentacles Residency aims to support cultural exchange, research and experiment project from local and international art practitioners.
Number of Participants
Maximum 3 artists/researchers at the same period. (duos artist are acceptable)
No deadline
October 31, 2018 - December 30, 2019
- $820.00 program fee
Co-Working, Desk Space, Installation Space, Shared Studio
Apartment, Kitchen, Private Room, Shared Bathroom
No meals
Public Programs
Exhibition, Open Studios, Professional Development, Readings, Workshops
Arts Administrator, Biotech, Choreography, Cinematography, Conceptual Art, Curatorial, Design, Documentary, Fiber Arts, Film, Installation, Interdiscplinary Arts, Moving Image, Multimedia, Music, Performance Art, Research, Scientists, Sound Art
Program Description
Requirement: 1. A creator must complete their residency period (2 – 3 months) 2. Capable of communicating with the English language 3. Hold a Workshop / Talk / Exhibition Support 1. Accommodation and workspace. 2. Local tour and introduction to the art scene in Thailand. 3. Part-time Assistant 4. PR and Publication (Creator/Participant should seek funds from their own country for Airfares, Living Allowances, Insurance, Production, Travel, Etc.) Disciplines: All Disciplines. International. No. of Artists: 1-3 Location: Bangkok, Thailand Duration: 2 – 3 months How to apply: Submit the online application here Program Structure 1. Internal workshop ( Introduce artist background and research topic ) 2. Research and Work period 3. Local tour and studio visit 4. Workshop 5. Open Studio / Exhibition / Artist talk 6. Publication and Report
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